Chiropractic Table with Drops - Iron-280
The Iron Series chiropractic bench has an impressive list of standard features: Manual height adjustments from 18/46cm to 24"/61cm, tilting and
elevation headpiece with adjustable face cushions,paper roll holder and cutter, break-away abdominal with elevating pelvic, accelerator pelvic drop, toggle thoracic drop, toggle cervical drop, unitized steel frame, seamless cushions and much more!
Tilt and elevation headpiece and adjustable face cushions Toggle cervical drop

Toggle thoracic drop Ankle extension
Width: 22"/56cm 宽度:56厘米
Length: 68.5"/174cm 长度:174厘米
Height range: 17.5"/44 5cm~24.5/62.5cm manual adjustable 手动调整高度调节44.5厘米-62.5厘米
Accelerator pelvic drop 加速骨盆顿降
Break away Abdominal with elevating pelvic 分体设计,抬高骨盆
Tilt and elevation headpiece and adjustable face cushions 倾斜可调 高度调节面枕
Paper roll/holder and cutter 卷纸架
Ankle extension 腿部加长
Powder coated steel frame (black only) 粉末涂层钢架(仅限黑色)
Stationary arm rests 固定扶手
Optional Soft foam or Firm foam of 3"/7.5cm 可选软海绵或硬海绵3“/7.5厘米